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Smart Talk with Bill Kutik, Impresario HR Technology Conference

Written by Jarrod McGrath | December 01, 2018

I am delighted to bring you the next in a series of Smart Talk discussions with HR authorities. In this blog, I speak with Bill Kutik who has commentated on and analyised HR technology for almost 30 years. Over a series of 5 videos we will explore:

  1. Bill’s time in HR Technology. The ‘Impresario’.

  2. HR Technology moving from ‘Technology for HR’ to ‘Technology for the Workforce

  3. Breaking down the business silos while remaining pragmatic about where the industry is and where it needs to go

  4. The importance of Strategy and Measurement

  5. The next big thing: the move to teams


Bill Kutik ‘The Impresario’

Bill’s insights are invaluable for an industry that has evolved over that 30 years from the beginnings of the humble microprocessor through to a tightly connected digitally networked world.



HR Technology for People

In this second interview with Bill Kutik we speak about HR's shift from 'Technology for HR' to 'Technology for People'. Bill elaborates "In my 29 years [with HR Technology] that this is the single most important change". Find out why in the full interview.



Breaking the Silos

The mindset required within an organisation to get all the different disciplines working together, breaking down silos, and getting the maximum value from your people is changing the way in which we all go about our day to day jobs... Bill Kutik looks at this challenge in light of HR becoming marketers and the complexities to deploy HR technology.



The Importance of Strategy and Measurement

In this third interview with Bill Kutik we speak about the importance strategy and measurement. We do this by asking questions such as how are we going to transform, and then ultimately what's the journey? How do you tell the story? How do you market the story? How do you measure the benefit and get the outcome?



The Next Big Thing - Teams

Welcome to my last Smart Talk in this video series with HR Impresario Bill Kutik. Bill speaks about teams being the Future of Work. The impacts of this are far reaching impacting both the management of people and the underlying technologies. These changes have an enormous impact on HR who are already racing to provide processes and systems to support the rapidly changing people landscape. Bill’s views also support that of Josh Bersin who sees team management as a key component of workforce productivity moving forward into the future. Find out more in this short video.



Check out other Smart Talks with Jason AverbookMarc Havercroft & Tracy Angwin.