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HR - The Game has Changed - Perspectives from a founder bound for HR Tech

HR - The Game has Changed - Perspectives from a founder bound for HR Tech

I am embarking on my fifth trip to the world leading HR Technology Conference. It’s held in the USA around this time each year and as the name suggests it brings those in HR together with a focus on the latest technology…

This year for me is different, like no other trip I have completed before across the pacific to the USA and to the conference. I’ll explain why later.

As we are heading toward our cruising altitude and waiting for the first round of service on the flight I am eagerly extracting thoughts out of my mind. I am super excited about the future. A future that has seen a fundamental paradigm shift in the old way of doing things and the new way of doing things. A future that is filled with opportunity and with more focus on people asking why? 

  • Why can’t we make the world a better place? 
  • Why can’t we spend more time with our loved ones?
  • Why can’t we make our work life better?
  • Why do we have to put up with old thinking and ways of doing things?

In parallel with this business leaders are asking how?

  • How do we lead to create a better future?
  • How do we make our business run better and retain brand loyalty?
  • How do we give our people and customers a better and more engaged experience?
  • How do we become more productive, efficient and effective?
  • How do we meet the demanding expectations and needs of our shareholders?

Let me put some further thoughts around the paradigm shift… In the old way of do things we were limited purely by the circle of influence around us. We were limited by the knowledge that was available through that circle of influence. As a result the value and outcomes we could achieve were limited, sometimes good, sometimes not so good.

In the new way of doing things we are truly global… Our circle of influence is the globe, data, algorithms and artificial intelligence. We are now empowered to ask why and how? We are empowered to take control of our own destiny, to make informed data driven decisions, to deliver  outcomes people and business expect and in a highly personalised manner. 

As a result of the paradigm shift we are at an intersection in history like never before where there is a opportunity to ensure that we consider people first and balance this with the needs of the organisation with a new way mindset. With this comes a massive opportunity for HR… With HR being a catalyst to align people in an organisation, to empower them and to deliver measurable value though people. 

Why is this trip to HR Tech so much different for myself? This time around I am heading to Vegas not only as the founder of Smart WFM but as the founder of a brand new HR Tech… A technology that will underpin the new way of delivering HR services around the globe. A technology that will put people and business in control of their destiny and of the outcomes they wish to achieve…  

I am ecstatic to bring this technology to the market at #HRTech and will share more information soon. The formal product announcement will be on October 1 @ #HRTechConf. If you are at the conference stop by and find out more at booth 428AL or keep an eye on our social media for further updates.


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